Thursday, October 10, 2024

It's been a while

I'd guess that the majority of personal blogs in existence have a final post that talks about apologizing for not posting in a while and then promises that this will change and they'll stat posting again soon...

Yes, I've been quiet for a while. 

At the start of the year, I made plans to leave the project I was working on to spend some time reassessing what was important and what I wanted to do in the future. That time was interrupted by me rupturing the Achilles tendon in my right leg and being forced into 3 months of virtual immobility. This not only ruined my summer plans (and those for the rest of the year) but also kept me away from my desk and my computer(s). There were positives and negatives to this.

But now I'm back. As I start to get back into things I'm planning on working through the many, many draft blog posts I have and finishing and publishing them where appropriate.

If the next few posts seem very random and unrelated, that'll be why.


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