Here for your simple consumption are links to all the things I talked about, demonstrated or otherwise mentioned.
- Uno
- WinUI
- Avalonia
- XAML Styler
- XAML Studio
- Windows Template Studio
- XAML Power Toys
- Rapid XAML Toolkit
- mfractor
- XamRight
- ReSharper
- Design time data (Xamarin)
- UWP Design Time Data
- XAML Designer Extensibility
- {x:Bind} markup extension
- Compiled Bindings (Xamarin.Forms)
- XAML Binding Debug Output
- XAML Inspection
- Hot Reload in Visual Studio
Slides and notes can be found at
Hi Matt, is there a "Windows Template Studio for WPF" (as for UWP). I'm not shure if I misunderstood or is it a coming feature?