Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Want to build an app, but don't know what?

I've spoken with a number of people recently who want to build an[other] app but they don't know what.

Does this sound like you?

If so, check out IdeasProject.

IdeasProject is an online global community of people who have a passion for brainstorming and creating innovation. The community enables the exchange of ideas among mobile enthusiasts, designers, developers and incubators. IdeasProject is based on co-creation through Open Innovation and has delivered consumer inspired applications and mobile technologies.

What that means is it's a place where people with ideas go when they want help to help with developing an app.

If you're stuck for ideas it could be just the palce for you.

Also, if you're a member of DVLUP then some of the suggestions from IdeasProject become challenges there, which can help you earn extra XP which in turn can be exchanged for "fabulous" goodies.

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for this introduction. I just checked out the Ideas Project. It is a really highly ranked website so It must have relevance. My little bro used to develop iPhone apps natively using objective c, then he started working with Phonegap to get on multiple platforms so I am sure this will help him exchange ideas. Keep up the good work with the posts. Also I like your new postcard design :)


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