Saturday, June 12, 2010

Silverlight effects and Windows Phone 7

Note: As Christian pointed out in the comments, effects were not included in the released version of the SDK.

Windows Phone 7 allows us to create the UI for an application in Silverlight. (Or in XNA but just now I'm focusing on Silverlight.) Silverlight is known for it's excellent visual capabilities and ability to easily create great graphical effects. Let's look at what's available to us in Windows Phone 7.

Windows Phone 7 supports 3 effects: BlurEffect, ShaderEffect and DropShadowEffect. Silverlight (on the PC/Web) also specifies a PixelShader but this is not supported on the phone.

Effects can be applied to any UIElement but lets see how the BlurEffect and DropShadowEffect can be applied to a TextBlock. (A ShaderEffect is a bit more complicated and there's an example in MSDN.)

Here's a TextBlock you may recognise from a new "Windows Phone Application"

<TextBlock Text="page title" x:Name="textBlockListTitle" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextPageTitle2Style}" />

And it (in the designer and emulator) looks like this:

Adding a BlurEffect is as easy as this:

<TextBlock Text="page title" x:Name="textBlockListTitle" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextPageTitle2Style}">
        <BlurEffect Radius="10" /> 

which creates the following effect:

Or we can add a DropShadowEffect thusly:

<TextBlock Text="page title" x:Name="textBlockListTitle" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextPageTitle2Style}">
        <DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="15" Color="Azure" Direction="325" ShadowDepth="10" />

to create:

Both those effect images are from the designer. But if we look at them in the emulator we see this:

The effect isn't applied.
Don't be fooled. This isn't an error or limitation of the emulator. This is what gets rendered on the phone with the above code.
Fear not though. It's a simple fix. Simply set the CacheMode on the UIElement that the effect is being applied to to "BitmapCache".
Like this:

<TextBlock CacheMode="BitmapCache" 

Then in the emulator we see:

So why does this work?

I haven't been able to find out the official reason, but here's my educated guess. If I find out the official reason I'll update this.

Silverlight (on the web/PC) always runs in the UI thread (unless you create any others yourself obviously). On the Phone it's different. The phone has two "main" threads. The UI thread and the "Render" thread which is used by the GPU. (Non-phone Silverlight may not always have access to a GPU while the phone always has one.)
Because the phone runs in a constrained environment it's important for it to be small. It therefore doesn't make sense for things to be specified twice when they could only exist once. I suspect that the ability to generate the effects is one such thing.
As a visual effect it makes sense for it to be calculated/generated/processed by the GPU so having the ability to also produce the effect by the process generating the visuals on the UI thread (the CPU) would just be unnecessary duplication.
Setting the CacheMode to BitmapCache forces the UIElement to be rendered by the GPU (as only it can handle Bitmap caching).
Of course it would be nice if the framework could also realise that these effects can only be applied by the GPU and so automatically use it to render them. Maybe this will be addressed in the future. Until then, at least we now know the work around.

What about the display in the designer?
Well that's WPF running on the desktop and handles the applying of effects without the need to force their rendering by a special process(or).

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

DevEvening and DDDSW presentations on Windows Phone 7

Below is a version of my slide deck from the presentations I gave last week at DevEvening and at DDDSW. I appreciate that the slides aren't particularly informative as they are mostly just images but hopefully this will be useful as a reminder of what I said at least.
As some people have asked for the stats I used and some code examples I'll hopefully post those soon too.
Why care about mobile? And what is Windows Phone 7?

Some pics from DDDSW, courtesy of Craig Murphy.

These images from

2 questions before you port your Windows Mobile 6.X app to Windows Phone 7

Lots of people who have previously developed applications for Windows Mobile are rightly investigating porting them to Windows Phone 7. If you're one such person, there are a couple of important questions to ask/answer before diving into the code.
1. Can the application be ported?
Does your Windows Mobile application use features, APIs, functionality, etc. that does not exist or is not available to developers on WP7?
In many ways, Windows Phone 7 provides a mch more restricted environment for running applications.   If your application needs to use some functionality you won't be able to port it. Alternatively you may have to change the way it works.

2. Should the application be ported?
If you have an internal business application which you need to control distribution of and/or be able to release fast updates to it. You may want to wait until there are distribution options which support this.
If you need this level of control you should strongly consider staying on Windows Mobile for such "task focused" applications. Windows Mobile isn't dead. It will continue to be supported and enhanced for just such scenarios.
Microsoft are currently investigating ways of allowing distribution to only a specific group of people. This feature will hopefully be made available in the not to distant future so may address some issues. This is unlikely to allow bypassing the application approval/verification processes though. If you really need to be able to push out updates in a hurry this platofrm isn't for you. (yet?)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

[WP7Dev] Windows Phone 7 books

UPDATED: 21-July-2010
There are a number of books about Windows Phone 7 development, currently being written, that I am aware of. They are:

"Programming Windows Phone 7 Series" by Charles Petzold
Published by Microsoft Press
This will be a free ebook.
Due for release "Fall 2010"
Preview contents available now.

"Learning Windows Phone Programming" by Yochay Kiriaty, Jaime Rodriguez
Published by O'Reilly
Due "December 2010"
2 sample chapters available now

"Windows Phone Secrets" by Paul Thurrott

"Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development" by Harry Lee
(amazon link)
Published by Apress
Due "Nov 2010"

"Professional Windows Phone 7 Application Development: Building Windows Phone Applications and Games Using Silverlight and XNA" by Nick Randolph
(amazon link)
Published by Wiley
Due "October 2010"

Silverlight Programming for Windows Phone 7 by Andy Wigley
Published by Microsoft Press

Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.0: Learn Programming Now! – Revised to cover Windows Phone 7, by Rob Miles
Published by Microsoft Press

Windows Phone 7 Plain & Simple by Michael Stroh
Published by Microsoft Press

Advanced Windows Phone 7 Programming by Doug Boling
Published by Microsoft Press

Windows Phone 7 Game Development by Adam Dawes
Published by Apress
Due "December 2010"
There's also one in progress for Wrox. But no website, samples or other details available yet.