Monday, January 04, 2010

A little blog post analysis

While it's popular to do blog reviews at the end of the year I'll miss that band wagon and provide you some anlaysis of what was popular on my blog in 2009 now - in 2010!

Top 10 Posts of 2009

  1. 10 Firefox Add-ons for Mobile Developers
  2. What's new in Windows Mobile 6.5?
  3. In C#: generate a class for an XML file
  4. Vista "Program Files" Virtualization   
  5. StackOverflow DevDays - sad rant :(
  6. Comparing touchscreens - Capacitive V Resistive
  7. Holiday scam? - 0800 988 9900
  8. My StackOverflow DevDays app - in action
  9. Windows Phone Advert
  10. DDD South West

Top 10 posts in 2009

  1. Installshield: Change product name, but not MSI file name
  2. broken hal.dll with XPSP3 - will not boot   
  3. Installshield conditions
  4. Checking database permissions in SQL Server 2000
  5. 10 Firefox Add-ons for Mobile Developers
  6. Checking for default constraints on SQL Server 2000 AND 2005 - CORRECTION!
  7. SubVersion Vs Vault
  8. What's new in Windows Mobile 6.5?
  9. In C#: generate a class for an XML file
  10. Incorrect shortcut icon in start menu


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