Wednesday, December 31, 2008


So there's a leap second. So what?
There are people getting upset about how computers will cope with the extra second.
They are concerned that over time (hundreds of years) these seconds will add up and cause issues.
Their solution. Have a leap hour, once, and then forget about leap seconds for a few thousand years (forever?).

The only issue is that a leap hour will cause work (and problems) while a leap second can be ignored in almost all cases.

Monday, December 15, 2008

sales notes

  • need for a product vs power to buy
  • do they know what the need/mean
  • There is always an alternative
  • soutions to problems, not products
  • everyone sees things differently
  • buying is emotional
  • focus on the individual
  • perceived value vs perceived price
  • sales people: attitude over experience

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Calling clever peeps in Woking

Curious about IQ?
Mensa Supervised IQ Test
Woking College
Tuesday 20th January 2009 (18:30)
For £15 you can find out your IQ.  If you score in the top 2%, you will be invited to join Mensa.
More details about IQ can also be found at the website:
To reserve a place: 
email quoting ref: WOK09
call 01902 772771 
or I have a form you can fill in and post. (email me if interested)

Let me know if you take the test & how you get on also.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Everything Mobile 2.0

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Everything Mobile 2.0
Everything Mobile 2.0
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: tuesday third)