Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A wasted opportunity?

This screen seems like a terribly wasted opportunity.I went to the trouble of entering my email address in a website to subscribe to a newsletter.I even clicked the 'confirm' link in the email I was sent.But then I am presented with this screen. It doesn't make it clear what I'm confirming.It doesn't...

EDSK ... self discipline and motivation

Every developer should know self discipline and motivation. Why is this important? There are many elements to software development. The chances are that you aren't going to enjoy all of them. Unfortunately though, there will be times when you have to do them. If you don't: certain bugs won't get fixed; features may not get added; customers may be lost; users will be frustrated; documentation won't...

Delete old folder on upgrade

Here's the installscript funciton I wrote to delete the start menu shortcuts using the old company name when a folder structures were updated to reflect the new company name.This worked with Installshield 11.The following function was added to a .rul file. A custom action was then created for the funciton. The custom action was then added to the execute sequence.function DeleteOldCompanyNameShorcuts(hMSI)...

.Net past and present

20022003200520062007Tool(Visual Studio)VS.NET 2002VS.NET 2003VS2005VS2005+ ExtensionsVS2008LanguagesC# v1.0VB.NET (v7.0)C# v1.1VB.NET (v7.1)C# v2.0VB2005 (v8.0)as beforeC# v3.0VB9Framework LibrariesNetFx v1.0NetFx v1.1NetFx v2.0NetFx v3.0NetFx v3.5Engine (CLR)CLR v1.0CLR v1.1CLR v2.0same versionsame vers...

Friday, October 12, 2007

EDSK ... not to use mapped drives

Every developer should know not to use mapped drives. I'll start by admitting that this is something that really annoys me. I'll also admit that it may be appropriate to use mapped drives if, and only if, you are creating a mapped drive to connect to a directory that only you will ever need to connect to. An example being your personal area on a server. If you're not sure what I mean by "mapped...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

How I blog and still do everything else I want to?

Time is precious and I often find that I have very little of it to do all the things I would like.How do I still find time to write in my blog?I make the time when I can and try not to worry about it when I don't or can't.Yes, this means that I'll never have the most prolific blog with thousands of regular readers. For some people that would be hard to say. Some people want to blog to have fame and...